1.HDPE Prices have been increased by Rs 2000 PMT in HD IM & Rs 1000 PMT in other sectors except HM BM & HM Pipe.
2.LLDPE Prices have been increased by Rs 2000 PMT across all sectors.
LDPE Prices have been increased Rs 2000 PMT across all sectors, except LD EC, where increase is of Rs 1000 PMT.
PE Ex works / Depot Prices of new Grade Imported by RIL. W.E.F.15.09.2022
1.HDPE Prices have been increased by Rs 1000 PMT across all sectors.
2.LLDPE Prices have been increased by Rs 1500 PMT across all sectors.
3.LDPE Prices have been decreased Rs 3000 PMT across all sectors, except LD EC, where decrease is of Rs 4000 PMT.
4.PE Deemed Export Prices have been revised.
Rollover in EPE (EVA) Prices.