Month Year

1. Domestic prices have been revised downwards by Rs. 1000/MT in Homo-Polymers, RCP and ICP.
2. Deemed prices have been revised as per RIL PP DE Policy.

1. Pricing for grade R120MK from HMD at both - plant and depot level has been added.
2. All other prices remain unchanged, continuing to be valid from 16th Oct ’17.

1. PP Domestic prices have been rolled over in Homo-Polymers ,RCP and ICP.
2. PP Deemed prices have been rolled over for Non-BOPP and revised for BOPP sector as per RIL PP DE Policy.
3. Please check price list for actual changes.

1. PP Domestic prices have been revised upwards by Rs. 1000 PMT in Homo - Polymers ,RCP and ICP.
2. PP Deemed prices have been revised as per RIL PP DE Policy.

Kindly note, Effective 01st October 2017, RIL -Polymers shall be migrating to delivered based pricing methodology for PE, PP & PVC for DTA manufacturing plants, Following shall be the changes :
* This will be applicable for all supplies from DTA manufacturing Plants to the customers. Existing process of separate freight Invoice & material Invoice will continue for supplies from JG PP -SEZ Plant. No change in the case of supplies from Warehouses/Depot
* Freight value of Transport Zone shall be added in the material price as per Pricing zone and GST @ 18% shall be charged in invoice accordingly.
* RIL shall not be having any separate freight invoice by GTA-Transporter (FCPL)
* Pricing list shall be incorporated with the Transport Zone wise Freight Rates as a separate sheet.
* Transport Zone shall also be printed in the Invoice along with the Pricing zone.

You shall also find the RIL Pricing Policy in a separate sheet of the attached price list.

1. PP Domestic prices have been revised upwards by Rs. 3000 PMT in Homo-Polymers.
2. PP Domestic prices have been revised upwards by Rs. 2500 PMT in both RCP and ICP.
3. PP Deemed prices have been revised as per RIL PP DE Policy.