1. PP Domestic Prices has been Rolled over, except for minor changes in few DRCs.
2. Deemed export Prices are also Rolled over .
PP deemed export Prices are revised upwards.
1.PP Deemed prices, there are only minor corrections in only 4 DRCs (Calcutta, Cochin, Tuticorin and Trivendrum) for JMD grades for few grades.
2.And there are minor changes in the ULF/UHF too.
3.Except that, there are no changes in PP prices for all other DRC locations/channels.
1.PP Domestic Prices in IM has been increased by Rs. 2000/MT. All other Homo- polymers are up by Rs. 1500/MT; ICP has been increased by Rs. 1500/MT; and RCP has been increased by Rs. 1000/MT.
PP Deemed Export Prices are revised upwards.
PP Jamnagar SEZ Price -01.06.2018